Weekly Prediction ( 28th Oct - 3rd Nov)
Oct 26, 2024
27 min read

By Astrologer Ammit Kapur - Best Astrologer in India, Dubai, USA , Canada and London
For my new readers, I’d like to clarify that my predictions are based on your Ascendant sign, and not your Sun or Moon signs. You’ll find valuable insights for the upcoming week that can truly enhance your life. Consider incorporating some worship and chanting to invite positive energy into your days. Weekly Prediction ( 28th Oct - 3rd Nov)

Monday and Tuesday are going to be really positive days for you.
Health: Your health will be great, and you'll be enjoying a lot of positive energy. If you've had any health issues, they'll get resolved on Monday or Tuesday.
Income & Finance: Your earnings are looking good, and you'll have some smart gains. You'll see profits from the stock market too. Old investments will bring you fruitful results. You’re going to have a really good time at your workplace as things will move according to your expectations. All your targets will hit Bang On !!
Your boss will really appreciate your performance. You'll have the backing of your colleagues, seniors, and juniors. You will feel surprised the way things turn out for you positively. Such events will boost your positivity and keep you in the spotlight.
Family & Relationships: You will get full support from your family. You will enjoy good times with them and your bond will grow stronger and you will feel more connected to them. Your positive energy and accomplishments will give you a sense of mental satisfaction.
Wednesday and Thursday will be game-changer days for you.
Income & Finance: You can expect some unexpected monetary gains coming your way. A phone call from overseas could bring you happiness at any moment, or you might receive some good news.
Foreign Connections: If you've applied for your PR and work visa you will get a positive confirmation for the same. If you're considering foreign travel, you can plan for it or expect some gains from abroad. You will get some good news from foreign land that’s for sure. Financial gains from foreign land or on the horizon. Be observant and grab the best that's in store.
Wednesday and Thursday will add up to the weeks progress and bless you with mental peace and satisfaction
Income & Finances: Friday and Saturday will be like icing on the cake. These two days will bless you with good fortune and open up treasures for you. They are coming with full package gains. Keep in mind that the whole week looks pretty promising for you, with Saturday being particularly favorable.
If you're into business you will make good profits. If you're working you can expect promotions or increments. You may find better opportunities for yourself and plan to switch over jobs to reach a better and higher position. You are definitely going to make good financial gains and improve your financial well being. Your savings will increase and you will make good investments.
Old investments will give you good returns, your efforts will give you sweet success and you will enjoy name, fame and prosperity. Stock market and investments in real estate will add up to the gains with good financial retuns.property will give your good support.
Family & Relationships: You are going to get full support of your partner and family. This will boost up your motivation to strive hard and make the best from the upcoming period.
Your well wishers and friends will stand with you and be your backbone in all your endeavors.
Mantra Chanting: Chantt "Om Sita Ram Ch Hanumate Namaha” , a minimum of 108 times on a Rudraksha mala, and the more you chant this mantra, the more blessed and positive energy you'll feel around you.
GemStone Therapy: Try to wear a yellow sapphire and coral stone in a gold pendant around your neck.
This week is going to bring many unexpected positive changes for you, Aries. There is a lot in store for you, all that is needed is hard work. The more effort you put in, the better results you'll get. The effort and results will make you gather accolades and praises and you will be in the spotlight.

Income & Finance: Monday and Tuesday are going to be somewhat challenging and a sense of negativity will crop in. You might experience stagnant or slow growth whether in job or business. No matter how hard you try, you will fail to get the results.
You will not be able to meet the expectations of your seniors and they might get dissatisfied by your work. You may even experience some awkward and embarrassing moments due to failure in completion of tasks.
This whole situation is creating a lot of uncertainty at your workplace. You'll be dealing with stress and anxiety. Your motivation will be down and you will be very upset with the overall situation.
Family & Relationships: Dissatisfaction at work will also have an impact on your family life. You have to find a way to balance everything —family life, personal issues, and work. You might face challenges to balance everything. To add up to this, your expenses are also going to be high. Rising unexpected expenses are going to annoy you, and you'll be under a lot of mental stress and anxiety.
With all this stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction at work and family you are going to lose your morale and will not be able to give your 100%. Your performance will deteriorate and you will feel yourself stuck with disappointment and helplessness.You want it, but you might not be able to handle it too well. You'll feel a bit overwhelmed or stuck.
Income & Finance: Wednesday and Thursday are going to be game-changers for you! You're going to enjoy some positivity, and things will start going your way. Your hard work is going to pay off, and your efforts will turn into sweet success.
Everything will go wonderfully, and you’ll have a really good time. You might even get some unexpected good news from foreign land or a financial boost from somewhere. Switching jobs for better prospects are on the horizon for you. You will have prospects to earn from multiple financial resources bringing your peace and joy.
Wednesday and Thursday are going to be super promising for you, and they'll make you really happy.
Family & Relationships: The atmosphere at home will also ease out and your relationship with your family will improve.
Income & Finances: Friday and Saturday will also be great, bringing positive vibes your way. You'll see progress in your job or profession. If you're a businessman or investor, your investments will yield good returns. Your hard work will pay off, and cover up for all the prior days. Your enemies won't be able to mess with you.
On Friday and Saturday, you'll be in the spotlight, with plenty of positivity around you. This whole time is going to bring you good fortune, and you'll be smiling. You'll level up and enjoy comforts and resources.
This is a really good time for making money and earning self-respect. You’ll gain a lot of self-respect, especially on Fridays and Saturdays. Your hard work and patience will pay off !! You superiors and bosses will now appreciate you and all your efforts will fall on track with expected results.
Mantra Chanting: Make sure to chant the Gayatri Mantra every morning; do it with a 108-bead Rudraksha mala or just listen to it. The more you chant the Gayatri Mantra, the more positivity you’ll attract, your energy will be great, and the universe will support you in all possible ways.

Income & Finances: There’s going to be a lot of positive events lined up for you. This period is going to be amazing for you. You might sign a new contract or deal, and enjoy some unexpected financial gains. If you’ve invested in the stock market or property, you’ll enjoy great returns. Things are going to perform wonderfully, and you’ll really enjoy the benefits. All your efforts will give you sweet success and make your financial position strong.
You will be on the next level in your business or work, much more relaxed and better overall.You will get a sense of financial security. This whole time is just going to bring tons of positivity for you! You will enjoy the name, fame, prosperity, health, and wealth – it's all going to be great! This is a perfect time to kick off any new venture/
Income & Finances: If you're planning to start something new, it's really a good time. Deals are going to mature nicely for you. Whether you're involved in Bollywood, Hollywood, or you're an influencer or a blogger, this time will be super productive. It's all about creating a lot of positivity for you.
Your confidence level as a Gemini is going to soar to the next level because everything you’re doing will be a piece of cake for you.
The first four days of this week are looking really promising for you as whatever plans you make will turn out to be fruitful for you. You can expect some financial gains from investments in the stock market or real estate. If you're in the building materials business or a builder, you’ll likely sign a new contract and see an increase in sales. If you're a businessman or shopkeeper, your sales are going to rise, and there's going to be more demand for your products.
Overall, you'll experience some positivity in the first four days that you’ll really enjoy. Put in all the hard work and success will be yours.
Health Concerns: Your health is going to be a concern on Friday and Saturday. The lower part of your stomach might be affected, and you could experience swelling. Be really careful and take it easy. You might have some issues with your digestive system, so avoid heavy, oily, and fried foods altogether. Stay very aware of your health on those days.
Consult a doctor immediately if required. Adapt healthy eating habits and introduce an exercise regime in your daily routine
Income & Finances: There will be small gains for you on Friday and Saturday.
If you're a Gemini, your hard work is going to pay off. You're looking at making some big investments in the stock market or real estate - grab such opportunities, you will get good returns. If you've already made those moves, you can expect unexpected financial gains, which will boost your confidence sky-high. This week is going to be super positive for you!
Ganesh Chalisa: This whole week, make sure to read Ganesh Chalisa every morning.
Gemstone Therapy: Wear an emerald ring on your right hand ring finger for good vibes.

Family & Relationship: You’ll get some solid support from important people, and your well-wishers are going to increase and help you out a lot. There’s going to be a whole lot of positivity around, and you’ll enjoy some name,fame, prosperity and success. Expect big support from your older siblings and family. If you’re married, your spouse will have your back too.
Income & Finances: This is a great time for making money, and you’re going to enjoy some comforts and resources. Just keep that positive vibe going!
The more you stay positive and stick to your commitments, the better things will go for you. If you've promised someone something, make sure you follow through. Things should start looking up. Just keep in mind that
Income & Finances: Wednesday and Thursday might be a bit slower in terms of earnings; it won’t be as good as you’d like. You're trying to do your best, but you might not see the results right away. Overall, this period could feel a bit off balance, so try to stay positive, especially on Wednesday.
Thursday is going to throw some unexpected situations your way, and expenses are going to be sky-high. You might feel a bit stressed about it. Your savings will take a hit from unexpected costs. You need to be a bit cautious during this time, especially if there’s an elderly person at home who might need medical attention, which can get pricey. Stay alert while spending your money; avoid unnecessary expenses. Spend only on what you really need, but don’t waste money on frivolous stuff, like buying a new gadget. If you're thinking about buying a laptop or mobile, hold off for now. If things are going well for you, just avoid spending right now. Let difficult times pass, prioritize your expenses and wait for the right time.
Income & Finances: Whether you're an investor, a businessman you are going to enjoy excellent financial results. Your business — especially of gold, silver or wood — will give you good returns and you can expect good sales. Your earnings are going to be solid; your hard work will pay off, and good fortune is on your side. Things are going to get better and . You'll enjoy comfort and resources, and all of this will bring a lot of positivity your way.
Family & Relationships: There's going to be a lot of support from your family. You might have some relatives coming over or you could hang out with friends. You will enjoy a good time with your family and friends. You will enjoy comforts and resources with your partner. All this will keep your spirits high and motivate you all the more to strive harder.
You could also plan some small trips. It could be both for leisure and work. Your trips will add to your happiness and you will achieve an overall sense of satisfaction with all the positive events unfolding around you.
You'll get great support from higher-ups this whole week, especially on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. If you apply for any kind of loan, it'll go through smoothly, and you'll enjoy a really good cash flow, great savings, and solid liquid money.
Just put in the effort and work hard and you will see productive results. Remember always ! Hard work is the only ladder to success. It's going to be a really productive time, especially Friday and Saturday and you will experience off the chart results for yourself.

Income & Finances: Monday and Tuesday look super promising for you. You will enjoy expected results from your hard work and enjoy various financial gains. Your business transactions will increase giveing a boost in your incomes and profits.
You're gonna have a really good time earning money this whole week. You'll feel much more relaxed and better in terms of your professional life. You'll enjoy multiple sources of income.
The positive outcomes enhance your financial stability bringing lots of positivity, name, fame, prosperity, health and wealth. You'll ultimately enjoy comfort and have a great time.
Income & Finances: If you're in a job, you might get a promotion or a raise. Even if you work in some kind of admin-related role, you could see some extra earnings coming your way that could boost your income unexpectedly.Fortune will work in your favour and you will enjoy unexpected financial gains.
Health: Your health will be just fine. Keep maintaining your health and follow a healthy regime.
Overall from Monday to Thursday you will do amazingly well and enjoy all the comfort and resources. Your health will be good and your overall well being will be just fine.
Income & Finance: Friday and Saturday might bring some delays or things might not go exactly as you had expected, so you need to stay alert and be careful. Don't overthink or get worried by the delays, keep doing your hard work.
But overall, you will do well in money matters. Financial gains will be good overall. Your hard work will pay off, and your efforts will turn into sweet success.
Family & Relationships: You'll have full support from your spouse. This will boost up your confidence and keep you focused in times of stress.
At work too, your boss and your business partners will be there for you too. You're going to get good support this Friday and Saturday from all your well wishers. You may even start a new business with your partner, and that business is going to be really profitable for you. It's a great time for you.

Income & Finance: You might struggle with your performance and achievements at work. You're going to face some challenges that will really stress you out. You're trying hard to do your best, but you're not getting the results you want. You will not be able to achieve the expected results from the market. You're putting in the effort, but it’s just not paying off. Overall, this time is bringing a mixed bag for you, and it’s probably not going to be great.
Don't sign any new contracts or deals, don't start any new businesses, and avoid making any false commitments. Don't get caught up in other people's talks or get involved in any money lending or borrowing. Avoid such situations and keep discussions on hold. Let this phase pass by and you can always reconsider the options later with proper risk analysis.
You may possibly enter into arguments with your seniors. Be careful and avoid heated arguments as it will only worsen up the situation and add to stress and anxiety. Your work environment may also get disturbed. There might be some conflicts with neighbors too, so brace yourself for some controversies. You will find yourself getting into unnecessary tiffs with others. The best approach will be to keep your cool and listen actively. You should handle matters with a calm mind and positive approach.
Health: Your health might be a concern. Take the necessary precaution and visit the doctor if required. Follow healthy habits and resort to yoga and exercise.
Income & Finance: If you plan to borrow money or take loans, Wednesday and Thursday are better days. Your loan will get approved and the money taken will give you promising results.
You’ll see a lot of positivity during this time, and professionally, you’re going to shine. Your seniors will appreciate your work. You’ll pull in a good amount of business from the market and your hard work will pay off. Your efforts will turn into sweet success. Things are going to be way better for you.
Still be careful while planning to start new deals or new projects.Take guidance from professionals and undergo a proper risk analysis. Keep your communication clear and avoid entering into arguments with your neighbors and well wishers.
You’ll be blessed with a lot of opportunities, enjoying comfort and resources.
Family & Relationships: Everything will move according to your expectations, and you’ll get strong support from your family members. You’re gonna get a lot of support from your older siblings, friends, and well-wishers. You will spend a good time with your family and enjoy comfort and resources.
Income & Finances: This is a good time for your savings and earnings, and things will move to the next level.
Just be a bit alert at the start of this week. Put in the hard work and don’t get discouraged. Things might slow down a bit or get stuck, but don’t let that bring you down. If you lose your self confidence and let failure bother you, you will worsen things. You’ll end up with negative thoughts in your head and this will harm the positive events that might trigger with your hard work and positive approach on the first four days. You need to keep a good balance.
Also keep a check on health matters on the first four days. Friday and Saturday are going to be game-changers for you, and there will be some positive events coming your way.

Income & Finances: Monday and Tuesday will be very promising in terms of making money. You can also expect some promising news from foreign land. Earnings in connection to foreign land seem to be promising this week. If you're working in a foreign company or in foreign country you can expect increments and promotions.
This period is very good for making money. You will get good gains and make savings. No doubt, you'll earn a lot more than you expect.
Family & Relationships: You might seek to enjoy a good time with your close friends and family. This will add new energy and give you a sense of inner satisfaction. You'll feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable.
Health: Your health will be very good and you will enjoy all the comfort and resources.
Income & Finance: You’ll find some really great opportunities here and financial gains will be promising. You’ll be able to perform exceptionally well and continue growing professionally. You will make smart gains from all the new opportunities you grab on.
This week is all about your professional growth, no doubt about it. You’ll be in the spotlight, and people will be drawn to you. You will be appreciated for your achievements and bosses will be impressed by your work. You subordinates and colleagues will look up to you and they’ll want to be friends with you. Your business deals will go well and you will connect with new people with similar business interests.You’ll make a solid connection with other business folks.
Things are going to fall into place and move ahead according to your expectations. If you're an investor or a businessman, you can expect productive days ahead. Make the best of the opportunities and success will be yours.
Family & Relationships: Your dad’s health is going to be really good, and you’ll have a solid understanding with him. There might be some inheritance coming your way from your dad or even your grandfather. You may get some gifts too.
Friday and Saturday, those days are going to bring some major changes.
Income & Finances: You will keep on progressing ahead and make good financial gains. You will build connections and invest in new businesses. You will make unexpected financial gains and receive more than your expectations. You will enjoy all the comforts and resources and gain name, fame and prosperity.
The whole week is set to unfold positive events as per your wishes and desires. Good fortune and good luck is on your side. Any pending work you have will get done, and all the hard work you’ve put in will pay off. Your efforts will turn into sweet success. You're in a strong position to perform your best, and by the grace of God, you’ll see some great results.
This is a really good time. This whole week, from Monday to Saturday, is all about putting in hard work and effort. Things are going to hit the next level.

Health: You will feel perfectly healthy. Make sure you continue with your exercise regime to lead a healthy life. A healthy lifestyle makes one ready and capable to overcome all the challenges.
Education: If you're a student, you'll be focusing on your studies. You will do amazingly well and will set higher goals for yourself.
Income & Finances: If you're a businessman, expect some solid earnings coming your way. You will get good returns from your business transactions and perform to your best at work. Things are looking better, and you'll enjoy some comforts and resources.
Family & Relationships: You will have a good time with your family and friends. You will deepen your bond with your partner and enjoy happy moments together. If you're in a relationship, you will take the next major step and it might just lead to a marriage proposal.
You will suddenly encounter some good news on Monday or Tuesday. These positive developments will make you happy and improve your emotional well-being. There will be a splash of positive vibes and you will move ahead with all the more zeal and enthusiasm to achieve your goals. This whole time brings a lot of positivity for you. You’ll enjoy fame, prosperity, health, and wealth. These two days are going to be amazing, and you’ll be on the next level.
Wednesday and Thursday might slow down a bit for you
Health: Health might become a matter of concern. Your digestive system could bother you, and you might have some stomach issues or pain, maybe even acidity. be careful and stay alert. Adapt to a healthy lifestyle and ensure your eating right. Avoid junk and oily food and prefer eating home. This isn’t a good time; it could create health issues and you will remain disturbed.
Communication: You need to be careful when talking with others, and don’t interfere in others matters. Guys, stay away from fights and arguments right now. This time could stir up some controversy for you. You might get involved in legal matters. Stay vigilant about the way you interact or deal with your partners—whether it's a life partner, business partner, or friends. Communication is the key. The way you approach and comment on things will make a long lasting impact on your relationships. Be careful when discussing terms; don’t mess things up, or things could spiral out of control.
Avoid arguments and tiffs. Stay calm. Resort to open communication and avoid deciding in heated moments. Let things cool down and also resort to self-introspection before putting forth your thoughts.
Looking at Friday and Saturday, Scorpio, these days are going to be great for you.
Income & Finance: You will make a lot of money again and enjoy financial gains. You will rejoice the profits you earn from your transactions. Your hard work will give your desired results. You will enjoy this time as things will perform as per your plan and expectations.
You might plan to buy a new car or vehicle, maybe even upgrading to a bigger one by selling your small car. You could renovate your house, invest some money into it, or suddenly buy a property. Your status and prestige are going to rise,boosting your reputation. Your colleagues, business associates and seniors will appreciate your work and your subordinates will look up to you.
This period is looking really good for your finances. You might also get some positive news from abroad and international ties could become strong. If you're working overseas or building up ties with a foreign associate you can expect some good news - in terms of raises or signing up new deals. Be aware of any opportunities that strike from foreign land and make full effort to convert them into good returns.
For businessmen , these days have some great opportunities in store and things are looking great for you.

Income & Finances: Your hardwork will pay you off. You will make good profits from your business transactions and also people in your job will gather appreciation for their work. Your performance will be at its best and you will get the desired output from the hard work you put in.
You might make some unexpected financial gains, especially if you’ve invested in mutual funds or the stock market. Good fortune will shine on you and you will gain financial stability. Your savings will rise.
Health: You will be healthy and happy and attract positivity towards you. Your courage and determination will be at a different level.
Family & Relationships: Monday and Tuesday will be especially good days. The atmosphere at home will be nice, and you'll have plenty of well-wishers supporting you. Things will definitely be on the upswing, and you can look forward to enjoying comfort, recognition, prosperity, health, and wealth. Overall, it's going to be a great time filled with a lot of positive vibes.
Income & Finances: If you are in a job, your seniors will notice your performance and appreciate it. You will make good returns from the market with your hard work and performance. Things will move beyond your expectations and you can expect really good returns from your work.
You will be able to clear your old debts and gain financial stability.
Family & Relationships: You'll get support from your family and your spouse. You will enjoy good times with your family and make good memories.Thursday, in particular, is looking great. Your energy levels will be high and you will get the courage to achieve what you wish and desire. You'll feel the backing of your family and friends, and the atmosphere at home will be awesome.
Especially, your relationship with your dad will be really good. Always take out time to build your relationship with him. Stay in touch and always discuss with him matters of importance. Start your activities with his blessings and you will achieve unthinkable success.
Health: You'll enjoy mental stability and good health. Good health and a relaxed atmosphere will encourage you all the more to strive harder towards your goals. Your relationships will be to the next level. You need to maintain a proper work life balance to ensure continuous emotional and mental well-being.
Your week is going to be pretty amazing! You will feel less stressed and anxious.
Income & Finance: Friday and Saturday, more good news will come your way. Promotions and raises could be on the table for you. You will be able to accomplish your pending tasks and long awaited matters will get sorted out. All of a sudden some additional source of earning can add up and increase your income levels.You might also find an unexpected way to earn some extra cash. Your overall financial matters will be amazing, resulting in an increase in savings and financial stability.
Family & Relationships: Your bond with family and friends will grow stronger. If you're stuck in some matter or unsure about its result, a close friend could give you some great advice that would really turn things around for you. Everything's going to be looking up to you and impressed by the hard work you put in. You'll enjoy some recognition and success during this time!
This week is going to take you to the next level, Sagittarius! Just give it your best shot and put in the effort at work—you’ll definitely shine bright like the sun. It is only hard work and hard work that can take you through and lead you to results. Only good placement of planets in your chart will not help. It’s your hard work and positive attitude that make you climb high on the ladder of success.
Mantra Chanting: Make sure to recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotra every morning this week
Give Ark to Surya Dev: Offer ark to surya bhagwan - Sun Lord.
Seek Blessing from your father - Touch your father's feet and take his advice; it’ll help you move forward in life and things will get better.

Monday and Tuesday are going to be particularly important for you.
Income & Finances: Monday and Tuesday are looking promising and you might have some good fortune coming your way. If you’re working in IT, whether as a software or hardware developer, you could definitely see a promotion or a salary bump. You are going to gather a lot of appreciation for your work. Your boss and seniors will be pleased with your performance, and you might even come into some unexpected money.
You will make good financial gains and enjoy name, fame, recognition and prosperity.
Wednesday and Thursday you could experience some slow down
Health: You could experience some stomach pain, back pain, or issues with your knees. Stay alert and take all the necessary precautions. Visit a doctor immediately and do not linger on health matters. Be careful, especially with any health-related concerns. Resort to a healthy lifestyle and introduce an exercise regime. You may even resort to yoga and practice breathing exercises.
Income & Finances: Expect a slight slow down in your earnings. Be observant about your expenses as they are going to rise high. You'll be spending on luxury items for the house, which will eat into your budget. Budget your expenses and always be ready for unexpected expenses.
But overall, I’d say the first four days look positive for your earnings because Monday and Tuesday are going to bring in good money, and your health will be great then too.
However, Wednesday and Thursday might raise some concerns about your earnings and health. So be proactive and plan your days well in advance.
Looking at Friday and Saturday, you’ll bounce back into a better position.
Family & Relationships: You will enjoy a good time with your family and friends. You'll hang out with friends and spend some quality time together. Such moments will enhance your overall experience and bring in positive energy.
Just make sure to keep things on good terms with your family. Don’t show any stubborn behavior or a hard-headed attitude with them. Try to maintain a balance with your friends and family, and things will go smoothly for you.
Communication is the key to all successful relationships. You need to be careful about how you deal with others and the attitude you keep in your relationships.
Income & Finances: If you have a business partnership, your partners are going to be really supportive and you will perform very well. With their support you will progress all the more and achieve heights.
Worship Kali Maa: Worship goddess Kali Maa. Recite Kaali maa chalisa everyday. The more you chant, the more positive energy you will get.
Offer moti boondi motichoor laddoos: Offer moti boondi motichoor ladoos (about 1.25 kg minimum) on Wednesday night or Saturday night to Kaali Maa in the temple.

Income & Finances: There will be better prospects at work. Business transactions will make you happy. You will earn good profits and make expected financial gains. Cash flow will also increase and be good.
You’ll enjoy comforts and luxuries. You might even buy a new car. It’s a great time for making money, and you'll experience name, fame, prosperity, health and wealth. Overall, you’ll enjoy success all around.
Just remember to slow down a bit on Wednesday and Thursday.
Income & Finances: On these two days things will slow down a little. You will be trying your best but won't be able to get the desired results. It will get really frustrating and demotivating as things won't move as per your expectations. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to meet your targets and get disheartened.
Your dissatisfaction with your performance can leave you feeling confused and disturbed. You'll be under a lot of pressure as your seniors will expect you to deliver your targets and bring in work from the market. You will experience things moving out of control and menstrual stress and anxiety will increase.
Irrespective of your situation, try to keep your balance and be careful. Keep working hard, results will definitely follow. Avoid getting into any arguments with your seniors on Wednesday and Thursday. HEated arguments and miscommunications could put your job at risk.
Overall, this time is going to bring some struggles for you. No matter how hard the struggles are, you still need to put in the hard work and believe in yourself
Health: As mental stress and anxiety will increase, it may impact your health and emotional well being. Your health will be a concern, and so will your spouse's health. You need to be careful and observant about your wife’s health too. Only with good health will you be able to face all the challenges that come your way and lead your path to success.
Family & Relationship: Mental stress and anxiety from work may also impact your relationship with your spouse. You may enter into arguments and the home environment won't feel good. Don't stress things all the more. Resort to open communication with your wife and resolve issues if any. Difficult times will always pass by, but drift in the relationship and cause harm. So be careful and try to maintain a work-life balance.
Income & Finances: As targets are not being achieved and your performance is not up to the mark and failing to give the expected results, there might be some conflicts with seniors.
If you're a businessman, you will be able to make small gains. You will make some good connections and there will be some financial ties that are decent. But if you're in a job, I don't see great positions coming your way on Friday and Saturday.
After dealing with a lot of problems and hurdles and with continuous hard work, you'll start to see some success.
Overall, you need to be really careful and alert during this time. Wednesday to Saturday are challenging. Be cautious, don’t engage in any money transactions, don’t trust strangers, and don’t sign any documents without reading them first. Someone might try to cheat you.
Chant Hanuman Chalisa: Worship hanumanji every night. Recite hanuman chalisa every night — three, five, or seven times. The more you read it, the more positivity you’ll attract.

Income & Finance: Expenses will be sky-high. You'll face challenges in managing your finances and might also consider taking debts.
If you're considering taking loans or dealing with personal finances, be cautious. Your financial burden will increase and high interest rates may bother you. Be very calculative and analyze your capacity to burden yourself with debts. Budget yourself and only do necessary expenses, avoid spending on unimportant things and save for unforeseen events.
Prepare yourself well. You might feel stuck in a rut, and your expenses could rise. You might find yourself struggling with legal matters and resolving them might require spending cash. So adhere to a strict budget and spend only if very important.
Family & Relationships: All the stress and anxiety at work will disturb the environment at home and strain your relationship with family members. There could be arguments with your partner, and if you're single, you might face issues in your love life. Mentally, things could feel a bit off, leading to a lot of stress. Just take it easy and try to navigate through this tough patch.
You need to stay really balanced and be careful; that's when things will start working out for you. Put in your best and results will definitely follow.
Income & Finances: Wednesday and Thursday, you might feel really stuck with legal matters. Unexpected expenses will annoy you, and reduced income transactions could get frustrating. There will be unbalancing situations. It's your time to perform your best; otherwise, you’ll miss out on results. Be prepared for the adverse and plan your finances well.
Family & Relationships: Seek your father's blessings and follow his advice. If there's some problem you're into, your father will help you out. Be connected to your father and always seek his blessings. His advice and support will always steer you through the most difficult situation like a piece of cake.
Be careful about your behavior with others, don't keep your attitude high or show stubbornness. Maintain your relationship with your seniors and be soft on your communications with your bosses , else there might be situations that you get into trouble. If you let your ego take over, things will just get worse.
Get grounded, keep your calm, watch your tongue. Keep working hard and situations will turn in your favor. Tough times always pass by. Keep a positive mindset and faith in god, difficult times will pass by.
Income & Finances: You might see some smart gains; the stock market could give you decent returns if you've invested. Property can also yield good returns, but right now, based on your expectations, the finances and cash flow aren't what they should be. But don't get disheartened and stop trying hard. You will achieve only with your continuous hard work. Keep a positive mindset and approach the situations with courage and determination.
Your efforts will make things move, yet it will not be according to your expectations. It's going to take a bit more time.
Challenges & controversies: During this period, you'll be dealing with some controversies, and you'll face quite a few challenges. This whole week is packed with challenges. You might also have to face certain legal issues.
Family & Relationships: All the building up stress and anxiety will develop a tensed atmosphere at home. You might enter into conflicts with your spouse or business partner. Be very careful. Think before you speak or react to any situation. Open communications always help to resolve issues and develop a stronger bond.
You definitely need to work on yourself and your behavior. Don’t rush; approach things calmly, and this week will go well for you.
Take three dry coconuts, circle them anticlockwise 17 times over your head and throw them into running water on Saturday morning.
Wishing you a joyous Diwali filled with light and happiness! May you be blessed with good health, prosperity, and success. May Goddess Lakshmi shower her blessings upon you and your loved ones. Sending you my warmest wishes for a wonderful celebration. Take care!
Continue reading my blogs to stay updated on the upcoming weekly and monthly predictions. You’ll also find insights into how the forthcoming astrological transits will impact your ascendant sign. My goal is to empower you with knowledge, helping you prepare for the future with confidence.
Astrologer Ammit Kapur